Monday, January 02, 2006

Back From the Christmas Holidays - Miyazaki Update

This is my last day of the holidays and then I am off to work again. I need to get back into the blogger spirit!

Thanks to Ghibliworld and one of their friends, an interview with producer Toshio Suzuki was translated to English. The discussion was regarding the new movie Gedo Senki based on Ursula K Le Guin's EarthSea books. They discuss how Studio Ghibli got the rights to make the movie and the current feud between Hayao Miyazaki and son Goro (regarding Goro's appointment as the films director). The interview is available here along with a link to the original Japanese text. The translation isn't the best but I am just thankful someone actually took the time to try and translate it.

My favourite quote is:
"Mr.miyazaki is a genius for the made movie, but he is not good at all in teaching. You understands at once if he is taken in the passenger's seat of the car and drives. Most people get neuroses because he cuts in everything."

I can just see him trying to take over the film from his son if he doesn't like something Goro is doing. :)

For more information regarding the Miyazaki feud scroll down the news page until you get to December 13th.


Brooke said...

Happy New Year! I hope you had a nice Christmas. And I hope you haven't been watching the Bruins . . . :)

TreeBob said...

I watched a little. They're doing a little better now. Win one lose one...

Toivy is doing great, Razor sucks. Were you at the Philly game or were you watching OLN?